Our Dinner Party Booking Process

Once you’ve determined you want to host a dinner party with Charlotte Shores, simply fill out this form and Charlotte will reach out with her availability, pricing information, and a sample menu. When you’ve paid the deposit and booked your desired date, you’ll receive a contract outlining expectations and inclusions. Then, Chef Charlotte will connect with you to discuss the details of your menu, which is typically finalized one to two weeks before your event. Two days before your dinner party, Chef Charlotte will check in to request your address and ensure event details haven’t changed.

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Charlotte Shores
What is a Dinner Party with Charlotte Shores Like?

There are a lot of ways to celebrate a birthday, from a picnic of wine and cheese by the lake to a homemade cake enjoyed on paper plates on the patio. Chances are, though, that you’ve had many festivities like this before, and now you’re wanting to do something else. Something big, unexpected, and something your guests will talk about for years to come!

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Charlotte Shores